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Kasey Littleton
Speech Language Pathologist
Indian Valley Elementary
Faith McClendon
First grade teacher
Debra McDaniel
Math Specialist
Indian Valley Elementary
Tammie McElrath
Pre-K Instructional Assistant
Indian Valley Elementary
Haley McGrady
Special Education Teacher
Samantha Nwogo
Kindergarten Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Skylar Patterson
Instructional Assistant
Cathy Phillips
Indian Valley Elementary
Jessica Pope
Instructional Assistant
Anna Proctor
First grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Kimberly Reeves
PreK Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Michelle Rollins
PreK auxiliary teacher
Treesha Roston
PreK auxiliary teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Angela Sanders
Kindergarten Teacher
Robin Scott
Second grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Johnny Sims
Indian Valley Elementary
Rhonda Sims
Instructional Assistant
Indian Valley Elementary
Tiffany Smith
Second grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Lisa Strong
Instructional Assistant
Indian Valley Elementary
Cindy Studdard
First grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary