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Brooke Garrett
Art Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
McKenzie Green
Instructional Assistant
Mollie Green
First grade teacher
Wrenn Griffith
Second grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Bliss Haines
PreK Auxiliary Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Dana Hale
PreK Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Kristina Haynes
Second grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Tonya Heartsill
Library Media Specialist
Indian Valley Elementary
Amy Hill
Math Interventionist
Indian Valley Elementary
Holly Howell
Indian Valley Elementary
Rhonda Hudson
Title l Instructional Interventionist
Indian Valley Elementary
Anita Huntley
Indian Valley Elementary
Brooke Jacks
Special Education Teacher
Ellen Jackson
Instructional Assistant
Indian Valley Elementary
Ashley Johnson
Second grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Carlita Kelley
PreK Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Veronica Kelley
Instructional Assistant
Anita Kelly
LaQuacher Kidd
Kindergarten Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Jamie Ledin
Indian Valley Elementary