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Destiny Ballard
Second grade teacher
Keley Barnhill
First grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Kathleen Baumgartner
Second grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Stacie Blankenship
Second grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Jay Brooks
Physical Education Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Anna Browning
First grade teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Paula Bruno
Indian Valley Elementary
Mary Casaday
CNP Manager
Indian Valley Elementary
Lindsey Chavers
Music Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Cindy Cleveland
Assistant Principal
Indian Valley Elementary
Heather Collier
Special Education Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Isabel Cooley
ESL Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
LaKeisha Crocker
School Counselor
Indian Valley Elementary
Chay Debardlabon
Instructional Assistant
Terra DeLoach
Reading Specialist
Indian Valley Elementary
Melissa Fillingame
Kindergarten teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Teresa Fisher
Special Education Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Stacey Fleaman
Special Education Teacher
Indian Valley Elementary
Jerry Ford
Instructional Assistant
Indian Valley Elementary
Pamela Gaddis
First grade teacher